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01:33:54 1 |
Sound Bite: Clark Gregg – “Agent Phil Coulson” – “Iron Man”
Oh man, that’s a big one, I think I would fly, the flying part looks really fun, fly really fast and beat people up, sure I have a few people I would like to talk too, if I had the big Iron suite. |
01:34:13 20 |
Sound Bite: Clark Gregg – “Agent Phil Coulson” – “Iron Man”
It’s really cool, you’re kind of, Screen Actor’s Guild, I felt as if they had to put me in some more movies, if I had that card, I didn’t know much then. |
01:36:19 146 |
Sound Bite: Faran Tahir – “Raza” – “Iron Man”
What would I? That’s a very interesting question. If I had a suit like that, hm, I guess, I would do what Iron Man does, go fight the evils of the world. Try to save a few people, I guess that’s the only thing you can do. Once you have that suit on there is a certain responsibility that goes with it right? So I think that’s what I would do. |
01:37:41 228 |
B-Roll – Fashion Shot/Blonde in silver dress
01:38:44 291 |
B-Roll – Fashion Shot/Brunette in sunglasses
01:40:31 398 |
SAG Question
Sound Bite: Jon Voight – Actor Well you know the funny thing about SAG is that when you come out as actor to do movies and you don’t have a SAG card, they say you cant work unless you have a SAG card and then you cant get a SAG card unless you get a job, so it’s all that, that’s a big moment in an Actor’s life, so it’s this Catch 22, and you usually say, I have my SAG card and then you get the job and you go out and get your SAG card, it’s a funny thing. |
01:41:05 432 |
Sound Bite: Jon Voight – Actor
If I had an Iron suit? You know, I don’t what the heck I would do, if I had an Iron suit, I would have to see what this iron suit does for Downey, if it works for him, maybe I’ll be able to answer the question better, right now it doesn’t seem very appetizing, but you know it is getting cooler this evening maybe I might need an Iron suit before it ends. |
01:41:32 459 |
B-Roll – Stan Lee talks to fake Iron Man
01:42:40 527 |
B-Roll – Gwyneth Paltrow walks across street to sign autographs.
01:45:04 671 |
SAG Bite
Sound Bite: Rosanna Arquette – Actress Oh, the first time I got my SAG card, was actually on 18th birthday, it was really neat. |
01:45:18 685 |
Sound Bite: Rosanna Arquette – Actress
Well I wouldn’t want that much protection. He, eh, I don’t know. If I had an Iron suit what would I do? Um, I guess I would ward off all the toxic pollution we are doing to our world. |
01:50:49 1016 |
B-Roll – Fashion Shot/ Brunette white blouse
01:51:56 1083 |
B-Roll – Fashion Shot/ Brunette with gray dress
01:52:05 1092 |
B-Roll – Sean Combs talks to reporters
01:52:18 1105 |
Sound Bite: Sean Combs – Hip-Hop Artist/Actor
Um I probably would go feed the world, you know, yeah feed the world, that’s it, man. |
01:52:56 1143 |
B-Roll – Robert Downey Jr. talks to reporters
01:53:15 1162 |
B-Roll: Ben Stiller arrives and stands for photos.
01:53:51 1198 |
B-Roll: Ben Stiller walks across the carpet.
01:55:28 1295 |
Sound Bite: Ben Stiller - Actor
I do and I keep it at home and I where it by my self. Girl Friend: That’s a secret. |
01:56:42 1369 |
B-Roll: Fashion Shot/2 girls
01:56:56 1383 |
B-Roll: Robert Downey talking with more reporters.
01:58:58 1505 |
B-Roll: Robert Downey talks to reporters again. ******
02:00:27 1594 |
Sound Bite: Robert Downey Jr. – “Tony Stark”– “Iron Man”
I would blow through a press line in 20 sec. with my repulser rays. |
02:00:46 1613 |
B-Roll: Gwyneth Paltrow talks to reporters again. Plus Fashion Shot here.
02:01:54 1681 |
Sound Bite: Gwyneth Paltrow – “Pepper Potts” – “Iron Man”
What would I do, I would, gosh, I would um, I wouldn’t want to do anything violent, but I would like to round up anybody that hurts children, you know and stick some where very far away. |
02:02:15 1702 |
B-Roll: Gwyneth Paltrow talks to reporters again.*****
02:04:30 1837 |
Sound Bite: Debbie Allen – Actress/Director
May be my bunion would hurt and I could dance on water, I would dance on the water and up in the air, that would be nice. |
02:09:05 2112 |
B-Roll: Jon Favreau talks to reporters.
02:10:49 2216 |
Sound Bite: Jon Favreau – Director – “Iron Man”
If I had to wear an Iron suit, I would put a silk lining in it. |
02:11:44 2271 |
B-Roll: Terrence Howard walks across the street
02:12:08 2295 |
Sound Bite: Terrence Howard – “Jim Rhodes” – “Iron Man”
If I had a what? OC: An Iron suit like the man wears inside what would you do? Terrence: I would try and get rid of every weapon on the planet |
211 Third St, Greenport NY, 11944
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