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01:03:50 0 |
A wide New York City street lined with tenement apartments. The streets and sidewalks filled with hundreds of children gathered and playing.
01:04:00 9.6 |
Tilt down on similar scene of a city street lined with apartment buildings. Cars parked on one side of the street and groups of kids playing and running around fill the streets and sidewalks.
01:04:12 22.13 |
Adorable kids, little girls, wearing winter hats and coats sitting on the steps in front of a building. Other kids playing on the sidewalk in front of them.
01:04:21 30.98 |
More shots of kids playing in the streets in New York. Sidewalk lined with tenement buildings, vintage vehicles parked tightly on one side of the street. Gangs of kids on sidewalks and in the street.
01:04:40 50.02 |
A group of little girls playing, pushing and shoving each other playfully on the sidewalk. The boys are gathered in the middle of the street.
01:04:47 56.81 |
Little girls on the sidewalk wearing winter coats and hats get together, form a circle and play Ring-Around-A-Rosie. Boys walk by and look into camera.
01:05:10 79.92 |
CU a group of cute little girls sitting on the step of a doorway seem to be having a serious discussion.
01:05:16 85.6 |
Obnoxious group of little boys make faces at the camera, pushing and shoving each other in the street.
01:05:57 127.25 |
Next segment. CU of a gear shift in a car.
01:06:00 129.55 |
Slum neighborhood with garbage and junk piled up in a lot in front of apartments. Pan to top of tenement buildings. Man holding the hand of a child walks quickly by.
01:06:24 153.6 |
Several shots of a tenement building neighborhood, Street lined with several tenement apartment buildings with fire escapes. Vintage 1950's and 1960's cars parked. An old pickup truck with wood side rails drives down the street. Junk piled on the sidewalk.
01:06:54 183.6 |
Men in military clothes go into Army recruiting building. Slum neighborhood with junk piled on sidewalks. Tilt up on building with fire escapes. Pan down to sign on the building corner ,"U.S. Army U.S. Air Force recruiting". Young men going up the front steps and into the building.
01:07:22 212.35 |
CU on the Recruiting sign.
01:07:35 225.47 |
Poster on Army recruiting building with a photo of an Army guy in front of an American flag reads, "your flag...your future. join the U.S. ARMY"
01:07:46 235.83 |
CU - your flag...your future. Join the U.S, ARMY
01:08:01 250.98 |
Tilt up on the front of the U.S. Army Building (written above the entrance to the building).
01:08:16 266.05 |
Glass case enclosed poster, partially seen, reads "United States air Force Information".
01:08:21 270.74 |
Next segment. No audio. Reporter interviews fat man with partial bald spot and glasses - looks like inside a TV studio.
01:11:19 449.44 |
U.S. Air Force and Marine Corps recruting posters. Recruiting poster with address: 39 Whitehall St. Room 105.
01:11:40 470.11 |
Sidewalk and street outside the U.S. Military Recruiting building. Peds going by and walk into the building.
01:12:11 500.5 |
Skyscrapers under construction. Huge crane hovering in the sky above tall buildings. New York skyline with building construction in foreground.
01:12:49 539.46 |
Unknown heavy man with a double chin and balding head reads a book, talks with unknown interviewer.
01:13:51 600.96 |
End Reel.
211 Third St, Greenport NY, 11944
[email protected]
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