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01:00:02 2.2 |
Oakland, California's first Black Mayor, Lionel J. Wilson sits in front of a mic and speaks to unseen audience. A news announcer unseen talks about Wilson's periled re-run for Mayor after being a popular Oakland Mayor for 13 years.
01:00:15 15.06 |
Blank screen as reporter gives Mayor Wilson's poll numbers.
01:00:42 42.96 |
Clips from an Oakland Raiders football game. Unseen reporter states Mayor Wilson's popularity declined as a result of an ill fated multi million dollar deal to bring the Raiders back to Oakland.
01:00:53 53.52 |
A woman dressed professionally signs a petition (against the multi million dollar Oakland Raiders deal). Coke machines in bkgd.
01:00:57 57.83 |
California State Assemblyman Elihu Harris talks to reporters outside in Sacramento about the Raiders football team deal.
01:01:12 72.49 |
Oakland Mayor Lionel Wilson playing tennis. (with narration about the Raiders deal being the reason for Wilson not winning re-election).
01:01:30 90.57 |
Blank - an unseen newsreporter is heard announcing the latest news from Northern California about the collapse of the Cypress Viaduct after a major earthquake.
01:02:23 143.64 |
WS California State Assembly Hall - Board of Inquiry (meeting about the Loma Prieta Earthquake).
01:02:29 149.19 |
Governor of California Deukmejian at a Board of Inquiry hearing about the Loma Prieta Earthquake in 1989.
01:02:33 153.22 |
Board of Inquiry Chairman, George Housner, an expert in earthquakes - speaks at a hearing about the Loma Prieta Earthquake of 1989 that caused the collapse of the Cypress Viaduct killing several people.
01:02:53 173.06 |
Blank - reporter is heard
01:02:58 178.58 |
CU California Governer Deukmejian speaks to reporters about the issues of earthquakes and the vulnerability of the California bridges.
01:03:17 197.48 |
Blank with news reporting
01:03:50 230.36 |
California Board of Inquiries Chairman, George Housner speaks at the Inquiry meeting and states that if Caltrans had performed comprehensive studies it could have been known that the Cypress Viaduct and Bay bridge posed seismic risks.
01:04:07 247.29 |
Blank with unseen news reporting
01:04:18 258.3 |
California Governor George Deukmejian speaks to news reporters and states the bridges that pose seismic risks need to be repaired immediately or not used.
01:04:33 273.35 |
Robert Best, executive at Caltrans states at a press conference they have not been pointed to any specific structure that they know about that is likely to collapse.
01:04:46 287 |
01:05:08 308.84 |
The major Democratic candidates for Oakland Mayor (most likely 1990-91) at a table with name cards in front of them at a press conference - including incumbent Mayor Wilson, and soon to be mayor, Elihu Harris.
01:05:19 319.64 |
Skyline Oakland, California
01:05:23 323.46 |
Downtown Oakland several shots around the city - Tilt up on a skyscraper, empty space in a building, The Hyatt Regency, police officer arresting a suspect, Board of Education meeting, Mayor Wilson press conference about the Raider deal.
01:05:44 344.42 |
Shots of the contenders for Oakland Mayor 1991 - they speak at the Oakland Hispanic Issues Forum: Elihu Harris, the front runner;t; Leo Bazile - Oakland City Councilman; another Councilman Wilson Riles, Jr.;
01:06:12 372.76 |
Some empty seats at the Oakland Hispanic Issues Forum and scattered audience listening to speakers.
01:06:21 381.48 |
Oakland Mayor Wilson in the audience listening to the mayoral candidates and then speaks in broken Spanish from podium.
01:06:49 409.54 |
01:07:09 429.11 |
No audio. Shots of teenagers, multi racial, walking to Fremont High School in Oakland. American flag being raised at half staff. Student mourn the sudden death of 17 year old Weston Hatches who passed out unexpectedly while playing in a High School basketball game.
01:07:59 479.23 |
A Black teenage students sits with his head in his hands on the steps of Fremont High School, a Black teenage girl hugs a woman turns and cries,
01:08:23 503.05 |
Color photo still of African American teenage high school student, Weston Hatches, who unexpectedly died on the basketball court . 1990
01:08:47 527.07 |
A group of Black teen boys walk down the street with their heads bowed and arms around each other.
01:09:07 547.31 |
The coach of the boys basketball team talks to unseen reporters about how shocked and saddened they are about the popular Weston Hatches's sudden death. He states that nothing was reported from the boy's physicals and Hatches never complained about any medical issues. Sad students gathered behind the coach.
01:10:50 650.08 |
CU on the face of a sad Black teenage boy. Eyes closed and head bowed. Another student talks into mics about how special Weston was, he shakes his head and states he doesn't understand it.
01:11:38 698.28 |
01:11:51 711.4 |
Color photo still of the deceased teen, Weston Hatches.
01:12:14 734.79 |
African American teen boys walk down the street toward camera, arms around each other
01:12:31 751.24 |
in a church, the choir sings at another teen's funeral from the same High School who died in a car accident. Large color photo still of 18 year old, Charlotte Hill. Her white casket is seen and a WS of the church, its pews filled with mourners.
01:12:51 771.88 |
Students gathered at their school campus. A Black male student talks to the press about being strong.
01:13:16 796.69 |
01:13:42 822.24 |
More shots in the church, choir sings over the casket, grieving members of the church in the pews.
01:14:11 851.41 |
Repeated footage - photo of Weston Hatches and students on the high school campus walking arm in arm, the coach and students speak to unseen reporters about Hatches and their disbelief he's gone.
01:15:04 904.2 |
Blank. with unseen news reporting
01:15:32 932.14 |
A nondescript white woman, Mary McDermitt speaks to unseen reporter about the disappearance of her adult son, Jim McDermitt. Unseen reporter announces he never showed up at work. A co-worker and police (Sgt. Fisher) state there were no circumstances that could explain the situation. No money problems, no drugs or alcohol.
01:16:27 987.79 |
01:17:14 1034.88 |
Two badly injured victims of a car bombing being helped onto and carried away on stretchers. The crashed and bombed out vehicle. Talking head male prosecutor, Chris Carpenter, speaks to unseen reporters.
01:18:24 1104 |
01:18:33 1113.67 |
Montage of shots around East Bay area of Northern California (the eastern region of San Francisco's Bay area). WS East Bay landscape, apartment buildings, rolling hills away from the coastline, and suburban are away from the Bay where water sprinklers keep lawns green. Reporter unseen talks about the water usage.
01:18:49 1129.41 |
01:18:58 1138.26 |
"Board of Directors" on glass door. People from the organization, MUD, inside leaving a meeting. Reporter unseen speaks with an unknown woman about how, in a semi-arrid climate, it's unfair to have acres and acres of lawns that need watering. it's unfair water usage.
01:19:19 1159.13 |
Pan two large a suburban homes with lots of green foliage as unseen reporter states the 'big lawn' people fought back with drought resistance landscaping and a lawsuit that was never resolved. Talking head male talks about the organization East Bay M.U.D. (Municipal Utility District) and how they would like to be a part of the organization instead of just a revenue source.
01:19:47 1187 |
The organization, MUD, at a Board meeting. WSs of the conference room, members seated around the room and on a dais.
01:20:20 1220.51 |
01:20:32 1232.26 |
next news story. Officials from the Contra Costa Development Department study a map on the wall and discuss with a reporter how they would control urban sprawl and protect open spaces.
01:21:12 1272.86 |
Another male talking head (either a land owner or developer) discusses with unseen reporter his concerns of whether they would be able to purchase land in the future for development in the East Bay. The Urban limit lines set by the county can be restrictive. A map on the wall of the divided acres for development or not.
01:22:35 1355.43 |
01:22:53 1373.69 |
Oakland Mayor Lionel Wilson, Councilman Wilson Riles and attorney Frank Russo seated (with mics) at a meeting about a deal to get the Raiders football team back to Oakland. Posters on stands outline the new deal versus the old deal.
01:23:38 1418.99 |
01:24:48 1489 |
End reel,
211 Third St, Greenport NY, 11944
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