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01:00:02 2.26 |
TV reporter, male, talks into camera in the studio reporting the news about about a live mass shooting that has wounded at least 9 people with 3 known dead at the hands of an unidentified gunman who used two high powered rifles in Sunnyvale, California - February 16, 1988. A TV screen beside the reporter shows an image of a hand holding a rifle.
01:00:17 17.01 |
Image of a map of California with the title "Shooting" and a box indicates where the ESL Computer company is located. The reporter, now unseen, reports the shooting took place at the ESL Computer company - an electronics company involved in secretive defense work.
01:00:26 26.33 |
TV reporter turns to small TV next to him and introduces a female reporter, with big hair and wearing a suit with padded shoulders, who reports the news live at the location of the shooting. She reports out on the street that the shooter is still in the building where he fired randomly.
01:00:53 53.91 |
Live scene as police and SWAT team wearing camouflage and riot gear outside the building walkaround and strategize as they surround the building and get ready to go inside.
01:01:32 92.17 |
Continued reporting from out on the street at the live scene - reporter states the shooter is known, an ex-employee, and that he has told police the shooting has to do with a fight he had with a girlfriend who works in the building and that he fired to send a message.
01:02:43 163.56 |
Back to the reporter in the studio reporting live. He talks about the ESL Computer research company, a subsidiary of another company located in Redondo Beach and is involved in secret defense work. The reporter states the shooter is reportedly still in the building on the second floor and negotiating with police by phone and may be holding hostages.
01:04:12 252.83 |
News Center 4 Evening Edition graphics.
01:04:30 270.82 |
Two women employees of the ESL company outside on their hands and knees crawling on the lawn, they then flee, running to hide behind parked cars.
01:04:57 297.04 |
Female reporter still on the seen at dusk and reports and update about the shooting. The gunman at this point is still in the building.
01:05:33 333.96 |
An armed SWAT team outside the building prepare to go in.
01:06:04 364.74 |
Captain Al Scott of the Sunnyvale Police Department talks to reporter at the scene.
01:06:29 389.46 |
the female reporter states the gunman's target was his girlfriend. The gunman, Farley, had been fired from the company for sexually harassing his girlfriend. She reports about people in the building were hiding, and several injured and killed.
01:07:41 461.56 |
Same map as before of California, with Sunnyvale and the ESL company highlighted.
01:07:58 478.4 |
Live nightly news with a male reporter reporting live at Stanford Medical Center. It is now night time. He reports there are two victims including the ex-girlfriend of the shooter at this hospital plus others at another hospital.
01:08:47 527.4 |
Reporting about the gunman and the ESL Company continues from the TV Studio and on the scene.
01:10:45 645.22 |
Reporter outside (nighttime)talks with a Lieutenant from the Sunnyvale Department of Safety. He talks about the shooter, Farley, who was fired from the company a few years ago and tells the reporter he's still in the building, in a somewhat mellow mood and still talking with police by phone, but he has been threatening to do harm to anyone who storms the building.
01:13:20 800.19 |
KRON-TV graphics. Late Edition news reporting from the studio.
01:14:38 878 |
Commander Alex Michaelis of the Sunnyvale Police reports seven dead - two women and seven men, and five people injured.
01:15:06 906.49 |
Reporter talks into camera and states 30-50 people were in the building, some got out, others hid behind desks. Farley sat in car contemplating before entering the building..
01:15:58 958.5 |
Nighttime shot of police car driving away from mass shooting scene with the suspect (unseen) in the back of the car 5 hours after the siege.
01:16:05 965.71 |
Police Lieutenant Tom Moore speaks to reporters outside at night and tells reporters the shooter eventually surrendered after negotiating with police.
01:16:26 986.46 |
WS the exterior of the ESL Computer company, a high security high tech defense plant. Two employees are seen crawling on their hands and knees outside the parking lot.
01:16:42 1002.02 |
Talking head male outside the building talks about hearing gun shots inside the building and having left out the back of the building.
01:17:06 1026.01 |
Talking head police officer on the scene talks to unseen reporter about a gunshot victim who was shot multiple times.
01:17:42 1062.49 |
A police hostage negotiator surrounded by reporter's mics talks about the shooter - he states the shooter originally came to destroy property and computers, but as a result of being confronted, the shooter felt he had to defend himself.
01:18:10 1090.1 |
An Asian man walking with a friend, talks to unseen reporter about looking for his wife after having received a call from his wife from inside the building. He states he doesn't know if she's inside the building.
01:18:37 1117.56 |
Employees walking out of the building shield their faces.
01:19:18 1158.25 |
Exterior sign above building entrance "Homes Away From Home RV Rentals". Reporter unseen states the shooter rented an RV from this rental company. Several RV's lined up in parking lot. Reporter talks with owner of RV Rental Center, Tony Thurman.
01:20:00 1200.77 |
POV from outside looking into a window of Stanford Hospital - doctors wheeling a patient on a gurney to the emergency room.
01:20:09 1209.13 |
Dr. Peggy Knudsen from Stanford Hospital talks to reporter outside the hospital about the victim's injury.
01:20:33 1233.37 |
Mary Scott wife of a victim talks with reporter outside Stanford Hospital about her wounded husband.
01:21:48 1308.83 |
Late Edition News graphics and previews of the "Decision '88" political news to come.
01:21:53 1313.6 |
KRON-TV News Graphics.
01:22:15 1335.87 |
Reporter in the studio speaks into the camera on live news again about the mass shooting that took place at ESL Computer Company. Image of a hand holding a rifle and the word "Shooting" appears above him.
01:23:15 1395.71 |
Exterior of the Covalent Systems building where the shooter, Farley, worked.
01:23:22 1402.83 |
CU on the sign outside ESL Company reads: ESL Incorporated A Subsidiary of TRW, Bldg. M-5. 1345 Crossman Ave. Employment Office
01:23:28 1408.46 |
Exterior shots of ESL building
01:23:41 1421.92 |
Capt. Al Scott of the Sunnyvale P.D. speaks into mics at a press conference about the mass shooting.
01:24:51 1491.69 |
Patient being wheeled on a gurney inside the hospital. POV outside the building.
01:25:06 1506.51 |
Shooting victim, Richard Townsley talks to reporters from his hospital bed about his horrific experience.
01:25:53 1553.93 |
TV reporter speaking live introduces Eleanor Sheldon, Clinical Social Worker, on the TV screen beside the reporter joins him live. She talks about the psychological stress on the victims.
01:29:58 1798 |
End Reel.
211 Third St, Greenport NY, 11944
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