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01:00:05 5.22 |
Picnickers sitting on the grass with friends, hanging out, eating and drinking at a picnic after the Golden Gate Bridge Walk 50th Anniversary event.
01:00:23 23.23 |
A young man at the picnic standing holding a drink and fried fast food, smiles at the camera and talks a bit to an unseen interviewer.
01:00:40 40.82 |
An unseen interviewer talks with various people at the Golden Gate Bridge picnic after the Bridge Walk. A young blonde girl acts shy and covers her head when the interviewer approaches her. Her male friend talks with the interviewer about their plan for the picnic. Another bearded guy talks about staying warm, he's happy, had his beer and sandwiches.
01:03:16 196.31 |
A pretty blonde gal from Denmark wearing an orange down jacket talks to unseen interviewer about staying warm. She states she didn't make it to the bridge as she got stuck on the busses.
01:03:57 237.16 |
WS group of picnickers sitting on the grass, their food and cooler spread out on the grass. Interviewer in foreground taking notes.
01:04:10 250.88 |
Another group of happy picnickers sitting on their blanket with their cooler and food. They smile and talk with unseen interviewer.
01:04:34 274.54 |
CU hands holding a sandwich. CU older lady wearing big sunglasses takes a bite.
01:04:42 282.4 |
CU picnic food, can of Pepsi, sandwich, plastic bag with veggies.
01:04:50 290.35 |
Bearded guy wearing a red hat talks with unseen interviewer about their strategy for attending the event. States they walked a mile to the picnic grounds but didn't get up early enough to walk on the bridge.
01:06:31 391.45 |
Unseen interviewer talks with a variety of people at the picnic event. A woman talks about being happy to participate in history, man talks about people being disappointed at the huge size of the crowd, but overall everyone having a great time despite the cool weather in May.
01:08:11 491.2 |
Cutaway to celebratory festival event. POV the back of the crowd. People jammed in at a park sitting on the ground listening to a live orchestra. POV from behind the crowd. Two cartoon mascots (horse wearing a cowboy hat) in the crowd talking to kids and folk. Tall buildings downtown in the background.
01:08:27 507.29 |
More shots of the festival mascots mingling through the festival crowd.
01:08:52 532.2 |
WS of the live orchestra performing with folks sitting in the grass listening.
01:09:17 557.49 |
CU of the giant horse mascot with a little boy, the horse waves at the camera and waves the little boy's hand.
01:09:31 570.97 |
Action in the food tent. Cooks at the large barbecue cooking meat and chicken. CU on the meat cooking on the grill. Chef flipping the burgers. A stack of loaves of French bread.
01:10:08 608.12 |
CU Chef (hands only are seen) preparing what looks like a cheese stack sandwich and placing it in a styrofoam plate.
01:10:15 615.35 |
Small handwritten signs hanging on a checkerboard curtain read: O Joe's Hamburger's are back $3.00...
01:10:20 620.64 |
Young lady helper wearing a red apron in the food tent standing behind a table, she smiles and holds up a bowl of food (no audio). Handwritten menu signs hang behind her.
01:10:31 631.03 |
CU three plastic bowls of food and a bottle of Pellegrino. A sign in front of one of the bowls handwritten in big red letters and underlined, Hot Tortellini!
01:10:40 640.89 |
Young boy helper wearing a fat suit with a green apron smiles for camera. Customers in line behind him. Pan up to the ceiling of the tent to dozens of red and green balloons floating and hand written signs.
01:10:50 650.4 |
Cut back to the picnic event. Three woman sitting on the grass and enjoying their food. A yellow pup tent in the bkgd and several people at the picnic are seen.
01:11:08 668.64 |
CU a bunch of picnic food on the grass - containers of tomatoes, bags of oranges, plastic bowls of food.
01:11:31 691.26 |
End Reel.
211 Third St, Greenport NY, 11944
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