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01:00:01 1.56 |
ms hipster looking artist John Gnagy teaches viewers HOW TO DRAW. holds up picture of what they will be painting on the show today
01:00:22 22.17 |
CU Artist Gnagy begins drawing on a large easel with tv camera fixed on it
01:00:52 52.07 |
ms John Gnagy artist draws on large screen or piece of white cardboard and teaches tv viewers how to draw - while he draws he gives instructions
01:01:45 105.53 |
tv "learn to draw" artist John Nagy draws a sail ship on his large screen/canvas
01:04:46 286.09 |
John Gnagy colors in the sails of what looks like an asian junk sailing vessel.
01:06:11 371.4 |
John Gnagy introduces commercial
01:06:28 388.4 |
John Gnagy continues and finishes hois drawing of a " chinese Freight Boat " teaching tv audiences how to draw on this early art instruction tv show
01:09:59 599.08 |
John Gnagy frames his drawing of a "Junk". intros commercial
211 Third St, Greenport NY, 11944
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