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01:00:00 0 |
Baby boy, close to a year or less, stomach down on a mattress, arms and legs up, tries to balance himself on his tummy. Kicks his legs and arm, looks up at camera, happy baby boy.
01:00:06 6.97 |
Grandpa sits in pink brocade arm chair, proudly holds same adorable, happy baby boy in his lap. They both smile at camera, baby stands up on grandfather's lap.
01:00:20 20.56 |
Three ladies on sofa - '50's mom in the middle with toddler on her lap, looks like two grandmother's sitting on either side of mom. They fuss over toddler.
01:00:42 42.52 |
Toddler stands up holding onto coffee table, mom nearby. Baby turns and looks at camera. Mom holds toddler steady as he tries to walk.
01:01:23 83.82 |
Toddler sits on lap of grandma, mom presents him with a teddy bear.
01:01:53 113.24 |
Toddler boy in bath tub, plays with toys in tub, splashes, looks up smiles at camera for a moment and continues to splash, having a grand 'ol time. Mom or grandma washes the baby in the tub.
01:03:29 209.14 |
Outside for a walk with man maybe dad (seen from waist down)- baby walks unsteadily, holds dad's hand. Full shot dad holds toddler's hand - happy toddler smiling, laughing for camera.
01:03:44 224.39 |
Pan exterior intricately carved facade of church.
01:03:46 226.13 |
End reel.
211 Third St, Greenport NY, 11944
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