Sign: duarte city of health & BG police car, MS man trains police dog, MS duarte logo on mtn. & FG police car; --blurred digital graphics-- MS men move down rope from helicopter, police car moves @ front of sign -city of hope-, MS helicopter w/ smoke; MS police officer stands in crowd, MS police officer exits car, MS OTS helicopter pilot, MS helicopter light; (night) AERIAL helicopter light looks over houses, MS helicopter shines light, MS police on horse, MS police jeep; MS police officer directs civilians, MS police car drives by, OTS police car, MS fire trucks by smoke; MS men move down rope from helicopter, MS helicopter moves @ camera, MS men work @ putting out fire, MS fire truck; MS woman hands mother her child, PAN police lights, MS police cars move down street; --normal graphics-- MS police cars move down street & turn around, MS fire truck pulls out of station, MS medical fire truck w/ police; MS police officer writes ticket (night) w/lights flashing, MS police car moves around corner; MS man discusses business w/police officers, Z-OUT city of duarte sign & Z-IN sheriff gets in sheriffs car; CU sheriff badge, graphic signs -S.A.N.E, Search & Rescue Team, Canine unit, Community services officers, S.W.A.T. team; CU sheriff badge, graphic signs cont. Bomb squad, Helicopter surveillance, homicide unit, vice unit, narcotics unit; graphic signs cont. gang unit, sign duarte city of health w/police car BG, Z-OUT city (night) w/police car police car drives around homes & BG duarte logo on mtn., Z-OUT police officers exit store; police car pulls up @ station, MS man being uncuffed, MS police car drives past sign: city of hope; graphics map location of sheriffs station & 9-1-1 station, MS sheriffs car takes off w/ lights on (night); MS police car w/ lights on, CU red lights flashing, MS police officer walks from car, officer talks to old couple; Z-OUT police officer writes ticket w/lights flashing (night), MS city manager talks; MS public safety code compliance desk, MS man w/ suit talks, MS police officers walk down street, resident talks; POV rear police car w/police officer, POV police car, graphic list of law enforcement costs per capita in duarte; Z-OUT police officers greet children w/mothers, MS police cars drive fast @ camera w/lights flashing; MS police motorcycles move out in formation, MS police helicopter, MS emergency helicopter being unloaded; MS LA county sheriff talking, AERIAL office bldg., MS police officers investigate airplane crash; MS bulldozer moves debris & FG sheriff, Z-IN car pulls into sheriff temple station, MS man talking to officer; MS police captain talks, PAN police car parking lot, MS finger prints being recorded, OTS female police officer talks; Z-OUT INT police office bldg., MS woman dials 911 on phone, Z-IN officer picks up phone & enters address; MS sheriff turns on lights & drives off, MS sheriffs cars pull up to house & enter, MS resident talks; CU guns shooting @ range, VAR police officer practices target shooting @ range, ECU hands shoot six shooter pistol; MS S.W.A.T. team prepares in camouflage gear, MS police officer runs w/dog, MS bomb squad, ECU VAR bomb squad devices; MS bomb blows up, MS rescue members bring man down mtn., AERIAL police investigation, LS police officer in car; MS police officer turns lights on car, MS S.A.N.E logo, ESTB. duarte school, MS police officer talks @ front of class; Z-OUT police officer talks to kids outside, MS deputy talks, PAN children talk w/police officer