NEWSFEED: 8/24/05 MILITARY BASE CLOSURES, SUDANESE REFUGEE CAMP, WORLD HARMONY RUN, MIDDLE EAST, POLICE ACTIVITY, HUMMER FACTORY ;BASE CLOSURES HEARINGS generic WS, cargo plane taxiing, U.S.Navy on water tower, submarine in harbor, barracks ;F-16 on runway, Aerial Fort Mommouth sign, convoy of soldiers in Iraq, WS commission raising hands, Red River Army Depot sign ;Submarine leaving harbor, Lieberman, Rumsfeld, man directing helicopter, gunship, soldiers waving from helicopter ;SUDAN UN REFUGEE CHIEF VISITS DARFUR bustling refugee camp, UN UNITED NATIONS official touring refugee camp, people around water spigot ;CA ANTI SHEEHAN PROTESTS anti-war protest, counter protest (can't see which radio station sponsored this), U.S.A.! U.S.A.! ;MI TEACHER STRIKE AVERTED Int convention in sports stadium, union meeting. TX LUPUS CLINIC woman having physical exam; LUPUS stamped on file, dr checking lungs, hand holding prescription drugs. TX GUNS TRAVELING DX shooting range ;Heavy traffic on fwy, gun store counter, police. IRAN NUCLEAR TALKS parliament dropping ballots in silver urn ;Counting ballots, press conf. SADDAM HUSSEIN TRIBUNAL stills. OJ SIMPSON GUILTY BILLBOARD Vitamin water ad; LA BRAC BASE CLOSURES VAR naval base in New Orleans. IL JACKSON ON ROBERTSON Jesse Jackson that is, Rainbow Push Coalition logo ;UK DELEGATION WITH BRAZIL t/h. EU CHINA TEXTILES people window shopping, store window display, cargo containers on dock ;Int warehouse full of boxes, 'Made In China' on box. OK GRASS TO GAS invention converts wild grass into ethanol ;TX INTERSTATE 10 GUN BATTLE stupid Texans...ambulance arriving, police activity. TX CHASE police pursuit on rural hwy ;P/u truck after chase- broken windows, numbered evidence, machine gun on lawn, bullet holes in car ;CO MAN POSING AS 13 YEAR OLD police cars in lot. This guy is named...Zurhkye McGhee!!! VAR skateboarding park; TN MAN ESCAPES CUSTODY hwy, parked sheriff car, forest. NY WORLD HARMONY RUN US LEG marathon runners carrying flags ;Ceremony, runners bearing torch thru mountainous country, silhouette lone runner with torch, runner bearing torch in the rain ;NIGER ANNAN ASKS FOR WORLDS HELP Annan exiting limo, greeted by head of state, speaking, visiting refugee camp ;MIDDLE EAST PALESTINIANS RALLY INRAFAH cars with green flags, boys waving at camera, procession of cars with flags ;Crowd with flags outside bldg, women holding clay jugs. ISRAEL PALESTINIAN STABS TWO NX ambulance approaching ;NX police tape, police activity. AR LONE STAR ARMY PLANT (clearly in Texas) munitions factory entrance ; BASE CLOSURES VA GOV WARNER address. WA HANFORD ALARM bulldozers among those giant chemical drums, nearly buried drums ;Aerial hazardous waste storage...ID OUTSIDE BUSH SPEECH anti-war protest, some interesting posters ;KS FETAL PAIN AWARENESS BILL speech after fund raising dinner. COLUMBIA GONZALES ON EXTRADITION webcam quality speech ;PERU PLANE CRASH SURVIVORS hospital, patient in hospital room, ambulance going by, survivors at table ;ISRAEL DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER press conf in doorway. WORLD HARMONY RUN marathon runners with flags, torch ceremony ;BRONX SOLDIER FUNERAL still, family arriving, pallbearers, Charles Rangel, bishop hugs widow ;MS NAVAL STATION covered docked battleship, Naval base entrance, water tower ;THREE INCH EYEBROW HAIR man holding world record for long eyebrow hairs ;LA BRAC factory workers assembling military vehicles, armored vehicle, hummers ;TX IMMIGRANT ARREST woman sitting up on gurney going to ambulance, barefeet, arrested illegal immigrants ;Aerial border patrol cars, men in bullpen, illegal immigrants put on bus ;