20042000s NEWS
NEWSFEED: 9/15/04 HURRICANE FLOODING, WAVES, SATELLITE IMAGES OF STORMS, UK PROTESTS FOX HUNTING, RATHER INTERVIEW BUSH MILITARY RECORD; DX, OPEC boosts oil prod: conference, about 200. M. Eastern business man, 50's, hopes to send strong message to the market; DX, UK raft rescue: man, 30's, leans on helicopter pilot for support, he gets into UK ambulance. Shot of UK chopper taking off; DX, rescued couple, man & woman, 30's, posing w/medical staff. Orange raft. Man, 40's they weren't found sooner b/c of bad weather; DX, UK Police/Fox protest clash: WS, aerial shot of Big Ben, see large crowd in park nearby. MS, cops hitting people w/clubs;DX, Shots of cops swinging at people. Red smoke bomb goes off. Man, 30's, covered in blood says cops went 'crackers.' DX, Thomson: Medicare Drugs. Man (Thomson?), 50's, announces drugs will be listed by category, with cheaper alternatives listed; DX, UK: VAR shots of protesters w/banners supporting fox hunting w/dogs. VAR men on horses w/red coats fox hunting w/dogs; DX, Bush Military Record: W. House press secretary questions authentic. of documents about Bush's lack of service; DX, Beirut Massacre in 1982: Shots of dozens of dead bodies on ground. 1994 Untethered Space walk: WS astronauts floating in space;DX, 1974: Ford announces amnesty for Vietnam draft dodgers. Martha Stewart announces she will serve prison sentence ASAP; DX, Kerry rally in WI: people cheer Kerry speaks about the war, gun control. UK Parliament: speaker reads votes, bans hunting; DX, Madonna concert canceled in Israel: 10 women sign a Madonna song. Shots of Bethlehem, wall surrounding it; DX, OPEC: Man, 40s, black, announced OPEC will step up production of oil, in hope of driving down oil prices; DX, NJ judge refuses special election: Male attorney, who filed papers for governor election expresses disappointment in ruling; DX, MO prison move: prisoners board correctional bus. Man, 40s, talks about new prison features. Shots of buses w/police escort; DX, satellite images of Hurricane Ivan. Huge swirling white mass that is Hurricane Ivan covers image of earth; DX, FL: sightseers go to FL beaches to see high waves from Hurricane Ivan, shots of people looking at waves, shots of high waves;DX, TX: miles of traffic on freeways from people evacuating pre hurricane. VAR shots of Pensicola Bch. flooded during hurricane;DX, Shots of hotels, people in cars looking for hotels. Mom, 40s, black, says she can't find a hotel. People sitting in cars; DX, Aerials of Austin: people filling sandbags, people pushing out of floods, flooded streets, houses w/water up to the roof;DX, Fatal carjacking: CU stills of victim, black man, 60s. Shots of car, bullet holes in glass; NX, medical helicopter takes off, shots of school busses, people walking into hospital, people in waiting area inside hospital; DX, Lionel Tate in court for probation violation, shots of judge, 60s, glasses & white beard., talking; DX, female police officer, 40s, says that girl was recovered alive, that she was taken to an area hospital; DX, UT students upset Michael Moore will talk at UT: young man, 20s, says he will not gain anything by hearing Moore speak; DX, WI politicians speak against Russ Feingold, in hopes of electing a republican to the senate; NX, WS, Freeway: chicken crates have fallen off a truck. Police walk around with fish nets, trying to catch chickens; DX, family walking in high waves (from hurricane) get knocked over, shots of waves, people walking along beach; DX, Hurricane: I-65 aerials of traffic. NX, shots of traffic at airport, long lines inside airport, canceled flight schedules; DX, Dan Rather interview about Bush military records: Rather says his sources were checked out, and are true; DX, Rather says republicans are questioning the authentic. of the documents b/c they can't debate the information, b/c info is true; DX, B&W aerial stills of mountain area, North Korean blast photos