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15:50:11 0.27 |
Sound Bite: Jessica Biel
The prosthetic was really interesting experience it enabled me to really feel aware of this part of my body which I think this woman or amputee who had lost this would always be aware of. You know always feel like you wanted to cover it, pull your sleeve and hide it and disguise it and I think you know you would always be feeling pain. I spoke with a bunch of veterans and said always pain, you’re always feeling this phantom pain and she would you know like right in here and yet the hand is not even there so I could still feel it. It helped me to really get a sense of this thing that I didn’t want anyone to see and how much of an impact it made on you know this woman’s everyday life and her emotional state. |
15:51:15 64.27 |
Sound Bite: Jessica Biel
I’ve always played sports, I love sports, I don’t follow many sports but yeah I’ve always been an athlete. |
15:51:47 97.27 |
Sound Bite: Jessica Biel
Yeah defiantly I mean I’ve been really really sick before, I broke my heel once I god what else happened I’m sure loads of things, blanking at the moment but yes and I know the feeling of you need the help, you don’t want the help, you don’t want to be a victim, you don’t want somebody pitying you and babying you, you can do it on your own. I understand that feeling and I sort of wanted for Vanessa to have that sense of don’t help me I’m fine, I don’t need your help I can do this on my own, which is sort of true and sort of not true. |
15:52:54 164.27 |
Sound Bite: Jessica Biel
How did I prepare for that? I don’t know I didn’t, I guess I didn’t really get to know many of the people very well that I was working with you know I just sort of did my own thing and sort of was already feeling like I don’t really know and the only person I really connected with was my son and that was really perfect because the dynamic I was sort of playing with you know being really really connected to him and loving him but him feeling weird about me and me feeling weird about him and him feeling him about me. And so it was trying, and then feeling embarrassed because he would see me without this looking weak and so, I don’t know if you prepare for something like that, I just prepared myself emotionally and the opinions I wanted to have about the war and about you know my job and my family and how I felt about the world and I just you know I just sort of isolated myself a little bit and did my work and went home and there you go. |
211 Third St, Greenport NY, 11944
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