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11:22:04 19.73 |
A01. HRN-1574
In: 11.22.04 Out: 11.22.21 Sound Bite: Marcia Gay Harden – been in a lot of movies this year I know I hope people don’t get sick of me cause that’s sometimes what happens when you see like ugh even a great one you’re like I’m so over Meryl Streep which how can you be over Meryl Streep but I hope people don’t feel like they’ve seen it all. |
11:22:35 50.73 |
A02. HRN-1574
In: 11.22.35 Out: 11.23.17 Sound Bite: Marcia Gay Harden – why choose the story Yeah I mean knowing that she’s the daughter made me want to look at it because I adore him but then that’s it, it’s the material and it’s the relationship and it’s the conversation and its working with Kevin and you know all these things uhm that came together to say this is a project I really wanna do and the approach to this was quite important that its without a lot of the flash that you might see you know for a Hollywood young filmmaker coming out really a truthful story about a really important subject or five important subjects you know its not just one story and that made me want to do it. |
11:23:28 103.73 |
A03. HRN-1574
In: 11.23.28 Out: 11.25.05 Sound Bite: Marcia Gay Harden Yeah well this is I think that its not just her facing into the light its him facing a life without her I think that uhm two things I think people get derailed by tragedy all the time, today there’s the fires in LA, there’s kids being sent home in body bags in Iraq there’s uhm someone’s going to be hit by a drunk driver and killed tonight you know some, how many people dying of aids in this moment, genocide is going on I mean you name it, its happening all around us and for that family that is touched by that there life is rocked, changed, serenely disturbed and they have to make a choice what does the rest of there life mean for them. For some people that arent Americans that was just one of just oh my brother died today and tomorrow my sisters dying, my dad got murdered, you know in Africa and other parts nevertheless how are they going to go on. In our country cancers sickness is one of the big deals, its such a long answer sorry. (talks) I should speak in sound bites but its hard to do so. (talks) this is one thing I think people get derailed and have to get back on track, they have to find meaning in life because it’s a very short window of time we live under the stars, and the moon and the sun in this earth and so you have to find how do you want to live when your life is derailed and the other thing I forget what I was going to say I may myself spin myself out of my own dialogue. I’ll remember it in a minute. |
11:25:11 206.73 |
A04. HRN-1574
In: 11.25.11 Out: 11.26.12 Sound Bite: Marcia Gay Harden I know what I was going to say, the human frailty is that we know more mortal and our folly is that we live as if were not and so in this moment, and you ask about ducks in a row in this moment I think she’s saying I’ve got uh ok maybe 3 weeks what do I want to do. Can you imagine if someone came to you and said you have three weeks you know but it happens all the time to people, aids or sickness’s all the time so when that happens what do you do and maybe maybe seeing this film is going to make somebody go out and go it could happen tomorrow what do I want to do? Maybe the deadline over that paper or contract isn’t so important and maybe I’m going to take the kids hiking in Yosemite and we’re going to see a sunrise and you know revere the earth whatever it would be and that would be great. That would be a worthy moment in life. |
11:26:14 269.73 |
A05. HRN-1574
In: 11.26.14 Out: 11.26.36 Sound Bite: Marcia Gay Harden – Kevin Bacon Gorgeous, hot tamale, fantastic father, family man with a swagger you know he’s got a swagger, I mean there he’s great and easy going and you know he’s a musician but he’s a man man, a gentle man man. |
211 Third St, Greenport NY, 11944
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