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01:00:00 0.93 |
Color Bars - a dark bar imbedded in color bars for MTR NYC
01:00:33 33.55 |
Reel Begins: WNET graphics.
01:00:39 39.27 |
Slate: Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Grant for program by announcer.
01:00:47 47.75 |
Show opener for Women Alive! animated.
01:01:03 63.2 |
The writer, Grace Paley, middle aged woman, out in the garden digging with a garden hoe. The words "Middle Age" overlays Paley as she reflects back on how life was laid out for her generation, to get married, have a house, and children.
01:01:24 84.51 |
B&W Photo stills of a typical American family (Paley's), a woman feeding her infant, a mom with her two small children.
01:01:28 88.16 |
Paley continues to work in the garden and talks about the plan seemed to be what people did, but she kept writing. . As she talks, her book cover "The Little Disturbances of Man" is shown as well as copies of the books she has written including, "Enormous Changes at the Last Minute"'. CU Grace Paley in large letters on her book cover.
01:02:01 121.54 |
Paley still outside continues to talk into the camera about how she was casually living her life in the local community until the war when she then became an activist in the anti-war movement.
01:02:16 136 |
B&W photo stills - anti-war protester, Paley herself, walking past a police barricade holding a sign: "I counsel draft refusal"; protesters hold up a giant banner "Wars will cease When Men Refuse to Fight".
01:02:24 144.65 |
Live color footage CU Paley standing tall above the crowd at an anti-war rally, holding a mic, addresses large group of protestors. Banners read: "Free Shoshana! Free All Political Prisoners".
01:02:44 164.07 |
various shots of random folk at the protest rally - an older guy with his long white hair blowing in the wind, a young man with long hair holding a sign, a woman photographer. CU's of Paley speaking into the mic to the crowd. The crowd applauds her as she states the real criminals are the government.
01:03:14 194.68 |
CU various photo stills of Grace Paley through the years. She talks (unseen) about "middle age" being 52, but not feeling "any age".
01:03:27 207.23 |
Five or six Women seated casually in a room on comfortable chairs and sofas talk about the topic of being considered "an older woman". They discuss the times when age struck them as being "OLD". The women collectively agree that they are not concerned about "age".
01:04:04 244.06 |
Camera goes around the room focusing on each woman as they talk about their feelings on being being considered "middle age".
01:04:11 251.96 |
An African American woman states she has talked with women who get "panicky" or upset once they're 40 or approaching it.
01:04:23 263.16 |
A White woman (from same group) with red curly hair, 38 years old, and a mother and singer, states she was once married to a ..."Mexican Macho" who firmly believed women stayed at home with their children and ..." certainly don't ruin their husband's careers by singing in public". Color photo stills of her as a mother, and singing with a band at an outdoor event.
01:04:57 297.89 |
CU bare feet walking on a tredmill.
01:04:58 298.45 |
Pan up from bare feet walking on a tredmill to reveal a woman, maybe 50's wearing tights and working out in the gym on the weight machines, and swimming in an indoor pool.
01:05:28 328.86 |
The same woman speaks with the group of women about how women have to come to terms with the physical deterioration that sets in (as women age).
01:05:44 344.55 |
The African American woman from before talks about body changes as women age, and how she used to be able to ..."take anything off the rack". Photo stills of her as a young woman wearing a bathing suit. Now she states she sees the "ripples" in her legs beginning to form.
01:06:01 361.91 |
Around the room, the various women talk about aging as a woman. One lady talks about finding getting older easier because she "had never been conventionally attractive"...I've never had sex appeal so i've never had the "narcissistic blow that women who really get the prizes that our society gives for being attractive that way...the social power that comes with it..." Photo stills of the woman as a younger woman.
01:06:39 399.93 |
Pan up on a sexy photo of the woman with red hair who states being pretty was just as terrible as not being pretty because you're never asked to be anything interior and you're patted on the back for being the "pretty little thing". Then you get older and think, "now what". Various glamorous photo stills of the woman.
01:07:29 449.06 |
Cut to writer, Grace Paley, in her kitchen cooking, stirring up a pot of sauce. She talks with an unseen interviewer about always having been a typist, it being the only way she could make a living.
01:08:09 489.2 |
Photo stills of one of the women working on a movie set. She states when looking for a job, she never gave her age. Because in her field of public relations, a youth oriented industry, it would hurt her chances of getting work. Age Discrimination.
01:08:34 514.86 |
The women in the group continue their discussion about age discrimination particularly for women. The African American woman feels lucky as she's not in any of the groups such as the Arts that age discrimination is an issue however she felt the discrimination in graduate school. She state universities are not prepared for women going back to school after raising a family.
01:08:51 531.38 |
The woman is seen at her desk using a microscope and other instruments and taking notes.
01:09:16 556.21 |
Another woman states when she was a girl the goal was to "snag a man fast" and get married at age 19, therefore, the women didn't have the tools to go back to work with. They talk about the difficulty of going back to school and starting all over again after so many years. They discuss the time limits put on everything women do including having children after age 40.
01:11:07 667.52 |
One of the women talks about not being able to having children, so she, therefore adopted two kids but had to face the difficulty associated with not being able to. Still photos of the children and the woman as a younger woman.
01:12:10 730.02 |
The issue of Menopause is brought up briefly - they talk about the issues they ask, "am i still sexy", "will i be less sexy". Grace Paley states that there's nothing to it, but a great pleasure! The end of your period! and just uncomfortable hot flashes.
01:13:01 781.04 |
One of the women brings up the topic of the "empty nest". Live footage of the same woman walking down a city street with her daughter. She talks about her oldest daughter going off to college. Footage of mom and daughter at a book store. She laughs and states she won't have to pick up the empty Coke bottles all over the place anymore.
01:13:50 830.03 |
The topic of the one - to - one relationship between a woman and a man (not sex0 but relating is brought up. Live footage of a woman in the kitchen woith a man who is preparing a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with bananas.
01:14:12 852.59 |
Live footage of a Grace Paley and a man in a small messy kitchen - the man is preparing a peanut butter and banana sandwich. CU knife slicing a banana. Paley laughs as he makes the sandwich.
01:15:31 931.13 |
One of the women, an actress, states she would like a relationship very much and would like to live with a man to have someone to "debrief" to. Another states she is at the moment not in a relationship with a man, but feels even though she used to be prettier she feels more attractive now than she ever has.
Still photos of both women. |
01:16:21 981.4 |
It is discussed that women reach sexual prime at a much later age and for a much longer period than men. They laugh as one of the women states men start declining at age 19. the unseen commentator talks about men living with younger women or they're gay or married. One of the women states she has less tolerance for casual relationships.
01:17:15 1035.8 |
CU a woman painting on a canvas in her studio. She is heard discussing that she doesn't feel her life with men is over, but that men are no longer the center of her life. Paley, out in her garden, talks about life from 50 to 70, states she believes that even though you have the upper hand in certain thing, there's less and less life and its foolish to pretend that's not so.
01:18:20 1100.11 |
Return to the room of women, they discuss their careers. One of the women reflects on a regret that she didn't think of her career as a continuing thing and that she was not working at it when she was bringing up her children and therefore, lost a lot of time. Another woman, the African American lady, states she felt she always thought she would do something just to pass the time and woke up in her 40's. The other women discuss their careers and their some of their regrets.
01:21:50 1310.03 |
Fade out
01:21:51 1311.47 |
Next segment. Colorful slate introducing Beverly Grant and the Human Condition.
01:21:56 1316.58 |
Beverly Grant and the Human Condition
Inez Garcia
Beverly Grant and the Human Condition perform a song, "Inez Garcia" in the studio. Inez Grant was a woman convicted for murdering the man who raped her.
01:24:52 1492.32 |
01:24:53 1493.8 |
Photo still of a framed picture of a group of police officers, 'x' marks are seen on the chests of several of the officers and above them the word "LAYOFF" is written. With narration by unseen Stephanie Sautner.
01:25:03 1503.89 |
Stephanie Sautner, of the Committee of Female Police Officers sits at her desk An oversized police department badge from the City of New York on the wall behind her. Sautner talks into the camera about being one of the many women laid off in a huge layoff of 22,000 men and 200 women in New York City in 1975. She discusses the unfair conditions for women vs. men at the New York City Police Department and also the unfair policies placed on women.
01:25:30 1530.6 |
Sautner states: Hiring procedures for women were different than for men - a quota system was used, and the no more than 300 women could be on the force at any one time. The civil service exams to enter the police department were separate for men and women. The men's exam were given every year, the women's every five or six. Men could be appointed as police trainees at age 18, women had to wait until they were 21 for any appointment at all depriving them of three years seniority.
01:25:56 1556.76 |
Sautner states that as a result of the layoffs they have formed a group, The Committee of Female Police Officers and have filed a class action suit against the City of New York. And if necessary they will take their case to the United States Supreme Court.
01:26:22 1581.99 |
Beverly Grant and the Human Condition
Feel Good
Grant and the Human Condition perform "Feel Good" in the studio
Show credits roll over performance. |
01:29:21 1761.37 |
Grant from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting by announcer.
01:29:25 1765.17 |
PBS graphic
01:29:43 1783 |
End reel.
211 Third St, Greenport NY, 11944
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