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01:00:00 0 |
Unknown official from the Department of Corrections in California standing outside a prison yard talks with an unseen reporters about the Aids epidemic amongst prisoners and how the numbers are going up.
01:01:27 87.65 |
Official is asked about the AIDS testing protocols in the prisons. He states that if you randomly test people in the Bay area there would be a percentage of people that would test positive with the AIDS antibody but that wouldn't necessarily tell you who would come down with the diseas. He states there is a State law that doesn't allow for routine tests, it's voluntary for inmates to take the test.
01:02:18 138.97 |
The official discusses the allegation they don't want to know how many prisoners have AIDS. He states they don't want to end up testing people unnecessarily. if there are clinical symptoms they are evaluated, but it's a medical decision. And inmates are asked to consent to take the test.
01:05:27 327.83 |
The official addresses the concerns about the prisoners with AIDS feel abandoned, isolated, that it's a sentence on top of a sentence, and that they don't receive adequate medical care and are denied privileges. He states these are general prison complaints and this situation is very new. They are having to cart food from the main kitchen and cater a program to them.
01:07:06 426.35 |
He talks about the prisoners that are in the advanced stages of the disease and have serious complications and states it is a medical issue and they need to be separated from others.
01:08:09 488.95 |
The official is asked why he invited the press there . He states specifically there were a lot of inquiries about the possibility of a new unit and how to house the inmates with the disease, plus the inmates wrote and complained. He states he felt it was worth it have the press there to see the unit.
01:08:59 539.29 |
CU prison guard tower
211 Third St, Greenport NY, 11944
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