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03:34:02 0 |
03:34:06 3.78 |
DX - NYC, WTC AFTERMATH, national guard troops, Chuck Schumer talks regarding suffering and pain of new yorkers, President conveys help
03:37:52 230.41 |
DX - SENATOR HILLARY CLINTON, speaks at podium regarding attack on America, directed at NY but on all of America
03:41:16 433.97 |
DX - SENATOR CLINTON and SENATOR CHUCK/CHARLES SCHUMER speak at podium regarding the tragedy and recovery of new yorkers
03:43:37 575.58 |
03:46:24 742.19 |
DX - NYC WTC AFTERMATH, streets covered with dust, debris, police and ems helping people, people hugging, cars covered w/dust
03:46:50 767.63 |
DX - NYC WTC AFTERMATH, ground level shot of lots of tv cables, legs of men with cameras dust covers everything
03:48:55 893.04 |
DX - WTC AFTERMATH, skyline with dust blowing in sky from world trade center towers, waves of dust/smoke fill sky after attack;
03:52:22 1100.48 |
DX - NYC, AFTERMATH, streets covered in smoke/debris, police vehicle goes down empty canyon of skyscrapers, people on street
03:55:20 1277.98 |
DX - NYC, WALL STREET BULL, bull statue stands alone with no people except police and firemen on streets after attack
03:55:59 1316.67 |
DX - NYC, FIREMEN/POLICE WALK on streets after attack, smoke in bg, heavy equipment moves thru streets, ambulance lights flashing
03:56:01 1318.93 |
DX - NYC WALL STREET BULL, statue of bull cu covered with dust,pull back from bull statue empty street, emergency vehicles lites flash;
03:56:15 1332.59 |
DX - NYC, WTC AFTERMATH, heavy equipment moved thru streets to help digout survivors of terrorist attack, ambulance to camera
03:56:45 1363.6 |
DX - NYC, WTC AFTERMATH, clouds of smoke and dust rising above buildings and see thru and over top of catherdral
03:57:34 1412.5 |
DX - NYC, WTC AFTERMATH, people leaving bldgs. covered insoot/ash/dust from attack, car being towed orderly exit of city
03:59:44 1541.78 |
DX - WTC ATTACK, tower one on fire, plane hits tower 2 and bursts into flames, cloud dust rises from street, w/s city and smoke
04:00:49 1606.85 |
DX - NYC WTC AFTERMATH, car leaves creating clouds of dust, people running helping each other, man gets oxygen, interviews people
04:01:32 1650.15 |
DX - NYC WTC ATTACK, 2nd tower starts to fall in bg of 1st smoking tower, slo-mo voice over in speaking in Japanese, foreign Japanese reporter
04:02:48 1725.87 |
DX - NYC WTC AFTERMATH FIREFIGHTERS ON ROOF, twenty or more on roof of smoking building, scurring around on rooftop
04:06:22 1939.98 |
DX - NYC WTC AFTERMATH, ground level, dust covered Coca Cola truck, deserted streets, littered street covered with dust and paper
04:07:07 1984.8 |
DX - NYC WTC AFTERMATH, ground level, dust covered police direct peds traffic on streets, ambulance wails past camera
04:07:54 2031.77 |
DX - NYC WTC AFTERMATH, rescue workers, firemen on streets, smokey, haze covered, nurse checks firemen in dust and debris
04:09:09 2106.96 |
DX - NYC WTC AFTERMATH, rescue workers, EMS ambulance leaves with driver and passenger wearing face masks, damaged truck checked for survivor
04:10:41 2199.28 |
DX - NYC WTC AFTERMATH, firemen walking on street in dust, down center of street, with breathing masks over face
04:11:42 2260.18 |
DX - SEC. DONALD RUMSFELD, GIVES PRESS CONFERENCE, no audio, not working, cuts in and out watch FOX logo comes up sometimes
04:14:41 2439.11 |
DX - GEN. SHELTON, GIVE PRESS CONFERENCE, no audio, not working from network ;*** others come to microphone, no audio available***
04:30:26 3384.49 |
DX - NYC WTC ATTACK, smoke filled sky, 2nd office tower hit, people hanging out of windows, towers fall 110 stories each
04:31:13 3430.63 |
DX - PENTAGON, AND PITTSBURGH ATTACK COMPILIATION, quick pics of both and aftermath, Pataki & Giuliani speak, people, chaos
04:31:59 3477.4 |
DX - WTC ATTACK AFTERMATH, firemen hug, US flag against smokey sky, dark NYC street in DX, don't use standup reporter
04:32:29 3507.58 |
04:35:09 3667.05 |
NX SHOT OF US CAPITOL DOME against gloomy dusky colored sky ;
211 Third St, Greenport NY, 11944
[email protected]
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